Daily Learning: 22 April 2020

Today, I continued the “Google Analytics for Beginners” course. The most interesting things I learned were the five broad categories of reports that Google Analytics offers.


The categories of reports offered by Google Analytics include,

  1. Real-time: includes information on live user behavior.
  2. Audience: about the users of a website, including information like gender, region, and device.
  3. Acquisition: cover information on the traffic sources for a website. Types of traffic sources include,
    • Organic or unpaid search. This is when someone searches something in Google (or elsewhere) and clicks an option that is not an advertisement.
    • Cost-per-Click (CPC) or paid search. This is when someone searches something and clicks on an advertisement.
    • Referral, when someone comes from another site.
    • Social, when someone comes from a social network
    • Other. Google Analytics calls this “a group of low volume traffic sources.”
  4. Behavior: how people engage on a website.
  5. Conversion: the completion of specific website goals, such as sign-ups to a newsletter or product purchases.

If you’re interested in Google Analytics, I recommend browsing the Analytics Academy.

The featured image is by Craig Garner on Unsplash.