Daily Learning: 28 & 29 April 2020

I have no significant media consumption to document for 28 or 29 April 2020. I listened to music, watched a cute movie with my wife, and began packing because we’re moving soon.

Musics and Movies

On the 28th, I listened to the “Dark Forest” compilation by alexrainbirdMusic, watched the news for about an hour, and watched Ice Age with my wife. I also found a video titled “The Fundamental Difference Between Stories and Reality” by Like Stories of Old. While I haven’t watched the video yet, it looks fascinating, is by an amazing creator, and I intend to watch it soon.


Today was another low-consumption day. My wife was off of work and we spent the entire day together.

We’re moving in August 2020, so we decided to spend most of the day packing everything we’re unlikely to need in the next 3-4 months. It turned out to be probably 60-70 percent of our possessions.

If you’re moving or preparing to move, I think this is a wonderful time to downsize and declutter. You might play the 30-day minimalism game or have a packing party.

The featured image is by Matthew Hamilton on Unsplash.