Happy, Sexy Millionaire is a book about fulfillment, love, and success by Steven Bartlett.
You wanna learn something new fast? Kaufman provides the science-backed techniques of rapid skill acquisition in his book, The First 20 Hours.
Patrick shares his notes from reading “Your Score” by Anthony Davenport. Check out his notes and learn about consumer credit scores.
Patrick shares a summary of what he eats in a day in August 2020. See his diet and maybe make suggestions for improvements.
Patrick discusses his experiment with writing and publishing a post every day. Read his reflections on the project, then check out his daily posts.
For April 2020, Patrick Gehlbach avoided heavily processed food. He tracked his progress and learned to cook. Check out the posts for this experiment!
Patrick delves into the techniques, challenges, and advantages of bodyweight exercising for skeletal muscle growth. Are bodyweight exercises for you?
Patrick shares his thoughts on Chris Croft’s Ideal Career Type survey and 10 Steps to Living Your Maximum Life. Check out the resources.
Patrick shares his findings on methods for measuring body fat percentage. He also shares a few thoughts on staying home amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
Patrick talks briefly about content SEO. What is it? Why is it important? Where can you go for more information? Learn the answers here.