Daily Learning: 23 April 2020

Today I watched an episode of an online cooking course, “The Everyday Gourmet: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Cooking,” by Chef Bill Briwa. I also watched a video by Matt D’Avella, “My Morning Workout Routine.”


The lesson I watched today focused on meat as an ingredient. It’s titled, “Meat: From Spatchcocked Chicken to Brined Pork Chops.” While it was interesting to learn how to spatchcock a poussin (small chicken), I found the gradations of beef more interesting.

Beef is not required to be graded, but it can be graded. There are five gradations, ranging from that with the most intramuscular fat to that with the least. These gradations are,

  1. Prime
  2. Choice
  3. Select
  4. Cutter
  5. Canner

Generally, I’ve only seen prime, choice, and select sold in stores.

Morning Workouts

I’m a long-time supporter of Matt D’Avella and I absolutely love his work. You can find links to his work on the Resources page. In this video, he discusses his new workout routine since he is quarantining in Los Angeles. I workout from home too, so I watched this video for entertainment and to see his setup.

Matt strength trains and has a 3-day cycle of workouts:

  1. Biceps, back, and shoulders on day 1.
  2. Triceps and chest on day 2.
  3. Legs on day 3.

He uses a simple setup, only having his body, resistance bands, and a yoga mat. He may add a pull-up bar, which I think is a wonderful idea for home-workouts.

For habits in general, but especially for exercise routines, he recommends following the 2-day rule.

2-Day Rule

Simply put, the 2-day rule is a personal challenge where you do not skip a habit two days in a row. You can take a day off, take multiple days off in a week, or even just perform the habit every other day.

If you’d like to know more, Matt discusses the rule in his video, “The Two Day Rule.”

The featured image is by Jez Timms on Unsplash.