My Minimalism

My Minimalism


Minimalism is a malleable lifestyle. Unlike lifestyles that demand rigorous adherence to specified, preset beliefs, actions, or commitments, minimalism truly seems to be a “make of it what you will” lifestyle. There are concepts that have debatably become tenets of the minimalist lifestyle, such as “be more with less,” but every individual defines what “be more” means to her and what “with less” looks like in his life today and, if he chooses, in the long-term.

Minimalism is also a lifestyle. There may be identifiable scenes of “minimalizing” one’s stuff, but living as a minimalist and making the mindset shifts that go along with it is truly a lifestyle and not an action that one does every now and then.

I began exploring the concept of minimalism during the spring of my senior year of high school. Somehow, I found a link to a video by Matt D’Avella on YouTube. For those first few months, I only dabbled in Matt’s videos. I was focused on graduating from high school, preparing a play in the theatre, and spending time with my partner. I did find his videos early enough to begin minimalizing some before heading off to college that August.

Initially, I bagged up some clothes I did not wear, donated it, and cut out about 20 percent of my packing for college. My dive into minimalism has really sped up during my first year at Swarthmore College. Between devouring content, minimalizing more of my material possessions, and working on shifting my mindsets to healthier, more sustainable ways of thinking, my journey into minimalism has flourished.
